Talk with Nita and Judy
Nita and Judy are experienced entrepreneurs who started their company while holding down jobs and a family. Not only did they receive a patent, but their product was also in every Walmart store in America.
About us
- Adopted
- American Indian (Navajo)
- 1 of 13 kids
- Montessori Certified
- Insurance Agent
- Sales Pro
- House Flipper
- Storage Unit Flipper
- Ebay Seller
- Hot Shot Owner/Operator
- Business Owner
- Patent Holder
- Amazon Seller
- Mother (3) and Grandmother (2)
- Public Speaker
- Consultant
- Youth Entrepreneur Mentor
- Lawyer
- Partner in Law Firm
- President of Insurance Company
- Business Owner
- Patent Holder
- Amazon Seller
- Mother (4) and Grandmother (3)
- Italian
- Consultant
- Public Speaker
Better Bedder
- Identified Problem
- Solved Problem
- Prototype
- Sold at local Saturday Market
- Found Manufacturer
- Started Website
- Successful Sales
- Appeared on Shark Tank
- Accepted deal with Lori Grenier
- Locked in Informercial Deal
- Commercials on TV
- In 4200 Walmart Stores